Making a way through COVID times

 Biratnagar, Morang

Restrictions to contain COVID-19 in Nepal are testing our home partners’ resilience every day. To ensure the immediate needs of families are met, we partnered with the MetLife Foundation to deliver food donations during the worst months of COVID so families could focus on building their homes rather than leaving their communities searching for food and work.
In the first half of the fiscal year 2022, we completed 285 new houses and supported our microfinance partners in disbursing more than 13,000 housing loans. In addition, we trained more than 750 individuals on financial literacy and safe shelter.
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Thank you from our homeowners and Habitat Nepal team for enabling us to be highly effective, despite the hurdles of extended lockdowns and health-related setbacks.
It’s amazing how little it costs to change a family’s prospect.

For as little as $5,000 you can fund a house in rural Nepal.

hfhin nepal